Posts By:Jared Brader

Frequently Asked Questions Below is a handy-dandy resource section for you and your loved ones to help guide you through some of the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Is it really such a big deal if I do not treat my hearing loss? Unfortunately, yes. Untreated hearing loss is linked to life-threatening medical conditions including…

Selecting the Pinnacle of Hearing Health: Finding Your Ideal Hearing Care Professional Why is that important? Wouldn’t you get a “better deal” from one barely getting the light bill paid? Maybe. But an over eager hearing aid widget pusher might be seeing needs that are more urgent than they really are. Visit our website…

Unlocking the Secrets: A Guide to Accessing Abundant Information There are several ways to get information about a hearing healthcare practice. First, we want to address the ways we do not recommend. We do not recommend Yelp. Yelp is, unfortunately, not at all what it seems and is frequently the subject of lawsuits from business…

Financing Your Hearing Health: Navigating Costs for Hearing Loss and Tinnitus Treatment Assuming you are new to this, or perhaps you are one of the millions living with undertreated hearing loss, I hope that we can unequivocally answer the question of ‘is it necessary treat my hearing loss’ with a resounding YES! We also hope…

Embracing a World of Better Hearing Having to treat your hearing loss and use technology to activate the brain (even though its invisible!) is not something that most of us think about or plan for as we age—but now that you are here—lets embrace it and celebrate it! From the moment you accept your hearing…

Empowering Steps Beyond Treatment: Safeguarding Against Decline What starts with a commitment to the medical treatment of hearing loss and tinnitus leads to a promise to take best care of yourself by following a holistic and comprehensive treatment plan. Our simple motto that hearing care is health care means it is important that we think…

Decoding the Spectrum: Navigating Your Hearing Challenges Diseases and disorders of the ear come in all shapes and sizes, degrees, and stages. While the most common cause of hearing loss and tinnitus is aging, the truth is, it is not your age, rather it is your genes. Most of us will inevitably suffer with hearing…

Ensuring Reliable Care: The Quest for Guaranteed Treatment Healthcare is notorious for having no guarantees. Nearly every one of us knows that medical care can go horribly wrong. Guarantees are controversial in all kinds of healthcare including audiology. Many of our colleagues are upset by the very idea of the word guarantee. One even huffed-and-puffed…

Exploring Solutions: Navigating Hearing Loss Treatment Choices If you or a loved one are ready for hearing healthcare, one of the first discussions to have with your specialist is which treatment is right for you; there might be more options than you had ever imagined. Remember, this is not 1982 or 1992. It is not…

Understanding the Journey: Navigating the Stages of Hearing Loss If you or a loved one have hearing loss, you are probably used to hearing words like ‘I lost 40% hearing in my right ear’ or ‘my doctor told me I have a mild hearing loss’ or (our personal pet peeve) ‘they said my hearing is…

Unlocking Sound Wellness: The Vital Role of Hearing Healthcare Specialists Over Primary Care Advice Dementia is the single largest unaddressed public health threat in the 21st century and we must remain on the front lines of this crisis every day. We all know a friend, neighbor or loved one who has been touched by Alzheimer’s…

Unlocking Sound Wellness: The Vital Role of Hearing Healthcare Specialists Over Primary Care Advice Discover a world of clearer communication and vibrant living – visit our hearing loss website for crucial insights and expert guidance on reclaiming the full spectrum of sound in your life. You undoubtedly already have a primary care physician (even…

The Vital Sense: Exploring the Significance of Hearing If you are like many who are weighing the ‘yes/no’ decision of hearing healthcare, or maybe in the ‘do it now OR later’, or in the ‘is it worth getting help for my parents’, you are essentially struggling with ‘how important or unimportant is my (or my…

Lost in a Sea of Sound: How Tinnitus Amplifies Restaurant Noise Is treating hearing loss nothing more than a great conspiracy (like Disney always trying to squeeze money out of patrons)? Then, and now, there may be some overprescribing or even premature prescribing by some hearing healthcare providers (remember—there are bad apples in every orchard!)…

Lost in a Sea of Sound: How Tinnitus Amplifies Restaurant Noise As if the ringing weren’t enough to deal with, many people with tinnitus also complain that it is challenging for them to follow a conversation in background noise. This interruption in the ability to socialize and easily communicate can be devastating to the person…

Ringing in Your Ears: Understanding Tinnitus Causes, Management, and Relief Current estimates are that nearly 50,000,000 American adults live with tinnitus and almost 1.5 billion people worldwide. Along with hearing loss, tinnitus is the most common sensory disorder on the planet! And while the ‘Average Joe’ may think of people with hearing loss as ‘suffering…

Silencing Tinnitus: A Sound Strategy for Dementia Prevention In 2017, the European Dementia Commission put forth the first in its series of ‘the holy grail’ on the state of dementia. This report, published in the Lancet (FYI – the Lancet is among the oldest, most respected, and most widely read medical journals in the world) and recently…

Silencing Tinnitus, Securing Balance, Preventing Traumatic Falls Did you know that tinnitus and significant hearing loss dramatically increase your risk of a traumatic fall? Click here to discover essential tips for reducing your risk of a traumatic fall Falls are the #1 cause of injury-related deaths, lead to hospitalization, and can lead to the…

Tinnitus Unveiled: A Unique Experience for Everyone There are millions of neural connections from the ear to the brain. As we age and are exposed to noise, certain medicines, viruses, etc., there’s irreversible damage and death to many of these neurons. Some of the damaged neural connections will manage to hold on longer and limp…

Unraveling the Mystery: Exploring Tinnitus and Hearing Loss Treatments Like ice cream that is sold in many places with many flavors, sometimes knowing where to treat your tinnitus and hearing loss and what type of technology is best for your cognitive needs, can leave people feeling confused and indecisive. Frankly, it is overwhelming.  Let’s start…

Understanding The Physiology of Tinnitus Tinnitus is not just a burden or scar that results from excessive noise or old age. Tinnitus in the vast majority (>90%) of people is the result of progressive degenerative damage to the ear-to-brain neural connections. I know that may sound scary and overwhelming, but if the truth scares you…

Why is the concept of tinnitus so important? Well, for starters, nearly 90% of people with hearing loss have tinnitus and vice versa – over 90% of people with tinnitus experience hearing loss. Depending on the research you cite, there is evidence that these numbers are even higher. But here is why this topic is…

Finding Silence: Inspiring Journeys to a Tinnitus-Free Life “The challenge with tinnitus is making the proper diagnosis and then developing the correct, custom prescriptive treatment plan. No two people with tinnitus are alike, and therefore, our treatment plans are tailored to meet each patient’s tinnitus, hearing, and cognitive needs”. –Dr. Keith Darrow For most people…

Unlocking the Power of Melatonin: A Path to Quieter Nights and Reduced Tinnitus Please note – the information in this article is meant to supplement (add to) your direct treatment of tinnitus, not be a substitute for treatment. For more information on treating your tinnitus, please visit Melatonin is a hormone that plays a…

Unraveling the Impact of Tinnitus  The short answer is a resounding YES! To be blunt – there is nothing normal about having tinnitus. There is nothing truer. For more information about tinnitus, please visit Tinnitus is one of, if not the most important symptom to pay attention to, signaling that you may be experiencing…

Unlocking Relief: Navigating the Search for a Tinnitus Treatment Specialist Why is this important? Afterall, according to the internet, you might be able to just take a magic pill, stand on your head for 3 minutes, or press warm bread up against your ears. Or you can find a medical professional to use evidence-based science…

Mastering Tinnitus Management: Avoiding Triggers Tinnitus, even when being properly treated, can be triggered, or exacerbated by a variety of factors. Let’s take this chapter to review some of the more common triggers that you can (hopefully) avoid to reduce your experience of tinnitus even further. These triggers are broken into three categories: chemical, physical,…

Clearing the Air: Tinnitus FAQ – Your Top Questions Answered What is the medical definition of tinnitus? Is there a cure for tinnitus? How long will it take for my tinnitus to reduce? Is there a proven way to reduce tinnitus? When treating my tinnitus, should I still worry about my ‘tinnitus triggers’? Does acupuncture…

Direct Intervention vs. Indirect Approaches: Tackling Tinnitus Head-On If you talk to your primary care physician, ask your friends and neighbors, or dare to search the internet, you will come across a never-ending sea of options for treating tinnitus. You will find everything from white-noise generators to acupuncture. For the most up to date information…

Unlocking Serenity: CBD’s Potential in Quieting Tinnitus Please note – In considering this article, please keep in mind that you must first directly treat your tinnitus, and then you may consider supplementing your treatment with CBD to reduce anxiety even further, depression, stress, insomnia, etc., associated with your tinnitus. In the past ten years, the…

Silence the Clamor: Finding Relief from Tinnitus “The best cure for the body is a quiet mind.” ― Napolean Bonaparte The phantom sounds of tinnitus in a person’s ears and deep in their head can be maddening! Tinnitus can literally push a person to the brink of desperation. We hear so many stories of people who…

Have you experienced these problems? Traditional Hearing Tests Standard/traditional hearing tests often involve something along the lines of “press the button when you hear the beep.” Although those standard methods are good at finding problems which need medical attention, far fewer than ten percent of all hearing problems need or require medical attention. There are…

Have you wondered why you can… The thing that most people do not recognize is that hearing and listening are not the same. They are quite different. Hearing is ultimately a simple thing. Hearing is nothing more than perceiving or detecting sound. To measure hearing we plot the quietest sounds you can barely detect, across…

One of the most common questions, and complaints, we get from patients is about the ‘ringing’ in their ears! Tinnitus (pronounced tin·ni·tus or tin-night-us), is the sensation of sound in your ears or sometimes in your head. Each person with tinnitus has a different sound experience; for most it is described as a ‘ringing’ sound,…

Let me start by stating, unequivocally, that treating hearing loss and tinnitus is not elective healthcare. Healthy hearing is medically necessary for your social, emotional, physical, and cognitive health. Untreated hearing loss separates us from others, reduces our initiative to get out, socialize and exercise, increases our risk of depression, stress and anxiety, and may…

Chances are, if you are worried about your memory and if you wake up most mornings lacking motivation, feeling moody and fatigued, then you may not be feeding your brain what it needs to fight back against decline! The chemical signals in our brain feed off what we eat and are essential for quality of…

Did you know there is a connection between heart health, hearing health and cognitive decline? While having a healthy heart is key to living longer, for those with cardiovascular disease (including high blood pressure and poor cholesterol) it is even more important that you understand how an unhealthy heart can damage your ears and your…

Most of us know somebody, perhaps a parent, grandparent, neighbor, or friend, who has been diagnosed with the life-altering diagnosis of dementia. Unfortunately, the 3 words, ‘you have dementia’ are spoken too often. Every 3 seconds another person is diagnosed with dementia, and rates of dementia are predicted to triple in the next 25 years.…

Most of us remember a time when we would (literally) fall down and get right back up. But this doesn’t seem to be the case as we get older. Falling can be one of the most devastating events in an adult’s life and can lead to the loss of independence, or worse. In the past…

The World's Award-Winning Hearing & Tinnitus Treatment Specialists
I am a retired Chief of Police and have been wearing hearing aids for over 16 years. The new hearing aids I received from this place was a life changing event. For the first time in YEARS I have been able to drive my car and listen to the radio, even with the window open...— David G.
The reviews listed are from actual patients of Excellence in Audiology. Individual results may vary. Reviews are not claimed to represent results for everyone.
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