Posts By:mh_wp_admin

Introduction: This is an often-asked question among professionals and among people with hearing loss.The answer is variable and is not as straight forward as any of us would like. One of the reasons this question is so difficult is that it may indeed be the wrong question (see below).Nonetheless, the answer with which I am…

Most of us can easily remember those times when we went to a family birthday party or a restaurant and we didn’t have to think twice about being able to hear what everybody around us was saying. We might even remember the times when we could follow along with two conversations at one time. While…

We tend to accept the notion that as we get older our memory isn’t what it once used to be. And while there is some truth to this, adults should not accept their ‘senior moments’ as a normal part of getting older. The best term used to describe the normal decline in memory as we…

For those living with tinnitus, it almost seems impossible to remember life without all the noise in your ears (or head). At first, this might not seem like a serious problem; in fact, it may remind you of when you went to a concert and came home, and your ears would ring for a couple…

As we enter the new year, we start thinking about new beginnings, taking control of our lives, and staying on top of our health. This is the time of year that we make positive changes and better decisions. I want to take time each month to make those decisions with regard to your hearing health…

Most of us remember a time when we would (literally) fall down and get right back up. But this doesn’t seem to be the case as we get older. Falling can be one of the most devastating events in an adult’s life and can lead to the loss of independence, or worse. In the past…

The World's Award-Winning Hearing & Tinnitus Treatment Specialists
I am a retired Chief of Police and have been wearing hearing aids for over 16 years. The new hearing aids I received from this place was a life changing event. For the first time in YEARS I have been able to drive my car and listen to the radio, even with the window open...— David G.
The reviews listed are from actual patients of Excellence in Audiology. Individual results may vary. Reviews are not claimed to represent results for everyone.
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