By: Dr. Keith Darrow, PhD, CCC-A
Everyday Things That Can Secretly Harm Your Hearing
Hey there! Let’s chat about something super important but often overlooked—our hearing. We usually think that loud concerts or blaring headphones are the main culprits behind hearing loss, but did you know there are everyday things that can harm your hearing without you even realizing it? Yep, it's true! Let’s dive into some of these sneaky hearing hazards.
Please keep in mind today and everyday that the #1 way to prevent hearing loss is to treat it ASAP! For more information regarding all things related to hearing loss, tinnitus, and dementia, please visit us as
1. Everyday Noise Exposure
Think about all the sounds you hear on a daily basis—traffic, construction, crowded places. While individually these noises might not seem harmful, constant exposure can add up over time. Living in a bustling city or working in a noisy environment without proper ear protection can slowly chip away at your hearing.
2. Household Chores
Surprisingly, household chores can be a culprit too. Ever vacuumed your house or mowed your lawn without ear protection? These common activities often produce sound levels that can be harmful over time. Invest in some comfortable earplugs next time you tackle those chores.
3. Earbuds and Headphones
Okay, we can’t talk about hearing without mentioning our beloved earbuds and headphones. It’s so tempting to crank up the volume when your favorite song comes on, but that can spell trouble for your ears. Aim to keep the volume at 60% or less, and try to take regular breaks to give your ears a rest.
4. Fitness Classes
Yes, you read that right. Those high-energy fitness classes you love might be doing more than just getting you in shape. Many gyms and fitness studios blast music to keep you pumped up, but prolonged exposure to such high volumes can be damaging. Consider using earplugs designed for music lovers that lower the volume without distorting the sound.
5. Medications
Certain medications, known as ototoxic drugs, can adversely affect your hearing. These can include some antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, and even high doses of aspirin. Always discuss potential side effects with your doctor and ask about alternatives if you’re concerned.
6. Stress and Anxiety
It might surprise you, but stress and anxiety can also impact your hearing. They can increase your sensitivity to noise and exacerbate conditions like tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Practicing stress-reducing activities like meditation, yoga, or simply taking a walk can be beneficial for both your mental health and your hearing.
7. DIY and Power Tools
Love a good DIY project? While it’s a great way to spend your time, many power tools produce noise levels that can harm your hearing. Whether it’s a drill, saw, or even a sander, make sure to wear protective ear gear.
8. Flying
Ever noticed how your ears feel weird after a flight? That’s because changes in air pressure can affect your ears. While occasional flying isn’t likely to cause long-term damage, frequent flyers should be aware of the potential risks. Chewing gum, swallowing, or using special earplugs can help balance the pressure.
Protect Your Hearing
So, what can you do to protect your hearing? Here are a few simple tips:
Use Ear Protection: Whether at a concert, doing household chores, or working with power tools, always use earplugs or noise-canceling earmuffs.
Monitor Volume Levels: Keep your devices at a safe volume and follow the 60/60 rule—no more than 60% volume for 60 minutes at a time.
Take Breaks: Give your ears regular breaks from loud environments.
Stay Informed: Be aware of medications and health conditions that can affect your hearing.
Remember, your hearing is precious and taking a few precautions can go a long way in keeping it intact. Stay mindful of these hidden hazards and enjoy the sweet sounds of life without worry!
I am dedicated to changing the landscape of hearing healthcare, dementia, and improving the lives of countless individuals who live with tinnitus. Please visit for questions and/or concerns.
Bonus Section - 6 Things That Can Affect Your Hearing Without You Even Knowing
1. Infections
Did you know that both viral and bacterial infections can mess with your hearing? Yep, that nasty cold or ear infection might be doing more than just making you feel lousy.
2. Head Trauma
When I talk about head trauma, I mean anything that damages the structures of your ears or brain. A bad fall or a knock on the head can lead to hearing issues you might not notice right away.
3. Dental Problems
This one’s a surprise! You probably wouldn’t think dental problems could be linked to your hearing, but issues like jaw misalignment or infections can definitely have an impact.
4. Diabetes
If you have diabetes, it’s important to keep an eye on your hearing. High blood sugar levels can damage the tiny blood vessels in your ears, leading to hearing loss over time.
5. High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure doesn’t just affect your heart—it can also affect your hearing. The increased pressure can damage the blood vessels in your ears, making it harder to hear.
6. Sleep Apnea
Believe it or not, sleep apnea can also be a culprit. Poor sleep and the reduced oxygen levels associated with sleep apnea can harm your hearing health.
Taking care of your overall health can make a big difference in protecting your hearing, so stay mindful of these surprising factors!